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second chance?

you know what? sometime people deserve second chance and sometime they just piece of shit that you need to ignore.
but me? fuhhhhh....i give so many chance because i learn from the past that people deserve to give some chance in their live.yahhh i know that "org dah buat kau kaw2 takkn kau nak bagi chance" but when we had someone in our life, how bad she/he have done to you, they must some misunderstanding between you and just forgive them. keep calm and doa that everything going to be ok.

C&S youknow that i love you right?


loving someone its feel like we are in heaven....
but when we have to share our love with someone else its feel like hell....
i'm not a girl that love to share something that was mine with anybody...
but the different between me and them like a years....
there nothing i can do...
now i realize that how far we go, whoever we are the best listener is not our family and friends but
now when i pray, my eyes will burst into tears coz Allah SWT always be with me no matter what happen...
everyone that lives in this earth will back to ALLAH Yang i know that i have my family and Allah SWT that always be with me even i'm happy or my life in miserable...
Ya Allah....

*ignore my grammatical error*


oii ko ingt ak nie tunggul ker hah?
ko da mngundang kemarahan aku....
aku x kire la sape yg tukar gamba or kat spe fon 2....!!!!!
aku bnci bile aku sayang org tpi wat aku cm sampah...*cry*
i can't hold myself right now!!! fuck!!!
i'm so angry right now...i'm tearing like crazy....*sob*
kalo cmnie bek aku x yah pkai bb.....


x mampu nk ckp pape da....
arini x mkn pape lngsong....
tido smlm pon cm x lena...
ape lgi yg aku mmpu ckp slain sabar.....
sabar2 org penyabar...die bleh jdi org yg menakutkn....
aku x nk pangai lme dtg blek....aku rsau aku skitkn ati die...
bia ak skit ati xpe...ak tau sakit sgat bile hak sndri sbenanyer hak org....
die bru knall aku 4 bulan mne bleh lwn 5 taun btol x?
dila ckp jgn setie die bkn hak kau sorng tpi nk wat cmner.....sayang derr....

aku mudah sayang org dan aku mudah fuck org....jgn men2 ngan aku...
you break my heart, i will break your leg...i mean it...
da rse cam cinte poli jerr....kalo kat umah wat hal sndri...
xpe khalid....saba slagi kau bleh saba....kalo xleh sabar ko masok kubur...
life is short so enjoy your life...don't make your life complicated....
Head up, stay strong. Fake a smile, move on.


kaki mak ader luke bru....
mnangis2 die....
aku ksian tgok die da bpe taun mnanggung kaki die yg luke 2
baek kat sni luke kat tmpat len blik
nak tlg tpi x tau ape...
aku hnye mampu berdoa jer 
mom,keep strong....
i know you can do it...we will always by your side...
cry will make you much better....


hello peeps....
lama bak hangg x update blog...
dah bersarang blik blog aku nie....
sorie la i busy la lgi pon xde tenet pon nk update acano?
life mkin lame mkin complicated tpi a bit heaven sbb aku ader org sayang
hahaha *shy*...
blaja mkin lme mkin ssah tpi nk wat cmne blaja tetap blaja...
ye dakk?
k la x tau nk merepek ape...
nnti kiter jumpe lgi..

upgrade and update....

i'm done upgrade + update my blog...
its much better then before...
now 2.oo a.m i'm still not sleepy....
i miss my NNAA so much...
i hope you okay sayang...i miss you a lot....